The National Museum of Folk Architecture and Life of Ukraine

This national museum is a collection of the various architectural forms found in every region of Ukraine. The oldest exhibit dates back to the 16th century. There are farm houses, barns, wells, beehives, windmills as well as portrayals of home life with traditional clothing and furniture. This is very much like the Open Air Museum in Tallinn, Estonia, but much larger. I will let the pictures speak for themselves.

Log farm house with thatched roof

The main room of the house where all household projects are started as well as preparing and eating food.

This is a typical wood stove used for heating and cooking. That looks like a baby cradle hanging from the ceiling.

Many floors have straw as a covering. There are quite a few tasks that are done in this room

Tool room. Notice the holdfast in the center to secure wood while shaping and carving.

Making do with whatever was on hand - a beautiful woven fence made with green tree branches.

A school room that could hold up to 50 students. The teacher had a room to live in. Yes, that is a giant abacus (sort of).

One of many windmills that dot the landscape.

This was a little mill, but it looked like an outhouse with a giant fan.

Again, with the artistic weaving for an out building.

The windmills were built on a pivot. If the prevailing wind changed, the mill housing would be physically rotated on the pivot for best results. 

Any guesses as to what these are?  These are beehives made from hollowed out tree trunks and then fashioned with a tiny roof.

Ukrainian needle work is famous. Here is a loom for weaving cloth.

Not sure what this represents, but you can see the traditional clothing on these women. Lots and lots of needle work.

And to top it all off, here is some authentic Ukrainian folk music.

This country is rich in culture and tradition. We are just beginning to see just a little bit of it. There is so much we could learn, not from just these people, but also from those who went on before and left a legacy for generations to come.


  1. Some choice experiences for you, thanks for sharing. Our thoughts and prayers are with you. Be of good cheer.


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